Mercedes 560SL R107 WHITE CABRIO

Kaufpreis: Є 29.500,00 Angebot machen

Gebraucht: Artikel wurde bereits benutzt. Weitere Einzelheiten, z. B. genaue Beschreibung etwaiger Fehler oder Mängel im Angebot des Verkäufers. Alle Zustandsdefinitionen aufrufen– wird in neuem Fenster oder Tab geöffnet Kraftstoff: Benzin
Leistung: 227 Anzahl der Türen: 2
Hi-Fi-/ Navigation: Radio, Radio / Kassette Marke: Mercedes-Benz
Herstellungsland und -region: Deutschland Modell: 560SL
Komfortausstattung: Elektrische Fensterheber, Klimaanlage, Ledersitze, Servolenkung Typ: cabrio
Farbe: weiß Kilometerstand: 205996
Mercedes 560SL R107 WHITE CABRIO

Mercedes 560SL gebraucht günstig kaufen

Current customer rating: (5)
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The Mercedes SL R107 series appeared on the market in the 1970s and its purpose was to be much better than potential competition. The successor of the Pagoda had a light desgin, he was optically smaller than her and presented a line close to what Mercedes design has become in the 80s. Initially customers could only choose from among the V8 engines. The basic motor had a 3.5 liter capacity and developed 200 horsepower.In 1973, it joined the unit with a capacity of 4.5 liters, more powerful by 25 hp. In later years, the 3.8-liter and 4.2 liters engines were also installed under the hood of the SL and fantastic units 5.0 and 5.6 - liter, that closing appeared at the turn of 1985 and 1986, and was reserved only for the United States and for Japan. Mercedes R107 was the second, after class G, the longest produced carthis brand. It was produced for 18 years, until 1989, when it was replaced by SL R129. A total of 237 287 copies of the SL model were produced. Presented by the Stacja Klasyki Mercedes Benz 560SL , it left the factory with very much classic color combination of white varnish and blue interior. Imported to Poland last year, and currently running at 128,000 miles, it is a car in perfect condition after which you can not see completely 32 years of age. Its condition is confirmed by the pure ownership history - in the United States, the car changed owner only once, and it was 20 years in one hands, a Swiss citizen living permanently for big water, and extensive service history. In terms of maintenance, apart from a few tiny defects in the original, first varnish, this Mercedes can not be accused of anything. The car is now ready for recreational useand it can be driven on wheels.