Mini Goals Notepad NEW 9780811875240 by Mcdevitt, Mary Kate

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ISBN: 9780811875240 EAN: 9780811875240

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GTI Grenville Trading International GmbH
Mini Goals Notepad Write It Down, Get It Done, 100 Tear-out-to-do Lists, for the Home, Office, or on the Go!
Mcdevitt, Mary Kate This pad of 150 cute, clever, and charming fill-in to-do lists will turn even the most notorious procrastinators into highly organized masters of efficiency. Seiten 100 Einband Stationery Größe 222 x 146 mm Gewicht 408 g Sprache englisch Herausgeber Chronicle Books Llc Serientitel Datum 2010/07/28 ISBN/EAN 9780811875240 Bieter aus dem Ausland willkommen
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