Truck Lorry FRONT PELMET (blue&white) VOLVO VNL, VNM, FH 12, FH 13 and etc
Kaufpreis: Є 74,41 Angebot machen
Neu: Neuer, unbenutzter und unbeschädigter Artikel in der ungeöffneten Verpackung (soweit eine Verpackung vorhanden ist). Weitere Einzelheiten im Angebot des Verkäufers. |
Truck Lorry Neuwagen günstig kaufen
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Available colours: grey, blue, dark red.Curtains are of great quality. Curtains for trucks are made of plush flock, they block sunlight and will give you more privacy when drawn. Fit perfectly for Volvo VNL/VNM, FH-12, FH-13, FH-16
EACH SET INCLUDES:1. One window screen curtain (above)2. Two window side curtains
Curtains have velcro tape to tip!
Please, left comments about the colour in you order.
EACH SET INCLUDES:1. One window screen curtain (above)2. Two window side curtains
Curtains have velcro tape to tip!
Please, left comments about the colour in you order.