VW Handyadapter Ladeschale Bluetooth Adapter UHV iPhone 5 Golf 5 6 VI Passat
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VW Handyadapter Ladeschale Bluetooth Adapter UHV für ein iPhone 5 ( Golf 5 6 VI Passat ) Teilenummer 3CO 051 435 CQ 001 SW Farbe: Schwarz Modell: Apple iPhone* 5 VW Teilenummer: 3C0 051 435 CQ Maße: ca. 7,5 cm x 3,5 cm x 15,8 cm
Fahrzeugtypen / Car brand Fahrzeugmarke /
Car brand: Model: Model-/Baujahr / Year of construction: VW Eos 06.2006 ? 2011 Eos GP ab / from 2011 Cross Golf (A5) 2007 ? 2009 Golf Plus (A5) 06. 2006 ? 2009 Golf Plus (A6) ab / from 2009 Golf V (A5) 06. 2006 ? 2009 Golf V (A5) GT 06. 2006 ? 2009 Golf V (A5) GTI 06. 2006 ? 2009 Golf V (A5) R32 06. 2006 ? 2009 Golf V (A5) Variant 2007 ? 2009 Golf VI (A6) ab / from 2009 Golf VI R (A6) ab / from 2010 Golf VI GTI (A6) ab / from 2009 Golf VI Cabrio (A6) ab / from 2012 Golf VI Var. (A6) ab / from 2010 Jetta (A5) 06. 2006 ? 2011 Jetta (A6) ab / from 2011 Volkswagen CC [alle Varianten] ab / from 2012 Passat (B7) Limousine ab / from 2011 Passat (B7) Variant ab / from 2011 Passat (B7) Alltrack ab / from 2012 Passat (B6) 03.2005 ? 2011 Passat Var. (B6) 2006 ? 2011 Passat Lim. R36 (B6) 2007 ? 2011 Passat CC (B6) ab / from 2009 Polo (A05) Cross Polo ab 2010 Scirocco ab / from 2008 Sharan (NF) ab / from 2011 Tiguan 2007 ? 2011 Tiguan GP ab / from 2012 Touareg GP 2007 ? 2010 Touareg GP R 50 2008 ? 2010 Touran (A6) ab / from 2011 Touran (a5 GP) 10.2006 ? 2010 Caddy Kombi (A5) 06.2006 ? 2010 Caddy Life (A5) 06.2006 ? 2010 Caddy GP Kasten (A5) ab / from 2011 Caddy GP Maxi (A5) Kasten ab / from 2011 Caddy GP Kombi (A5) ab / from 2011 Caddy GP Maxi (A5) Kombi ab / from 2011
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Noch mehr Autoteile und Zubehör finden Sie in unserem eBay-Shop: >> DAT AUTOHUS
Fahrzeugtypen / Car brand Fahrzeugmarke /
Car brand: Model: Model-/Baujahr / Year of construction: VW Eos 06.2006 ? 2011 Eos GP ab / from 2011 Cross Golf (A5) 2007 ? 2009 Golf Plus (A5) 06. 2006 ? 2009 Golf Plus (A6) ab / from 2009 Golf V (A5) 06. 2006 ? 2009 Golf V (A5) GT 06. 2006 ? 2009 Golf V (A5) GTI 06. 2006 ? 2009 Golf V (A5) R32 06. 2006 ? 2009 Golf V (A5) Variant 2007 ? 2009 Golf VI (A6) ab / from 2009 Golf VI R (A6) ab / from 2010 Golf VI GTI (A6) ab / from 2009 Golf VI Cabrio (A6) ab / from 2012 Golf VI Var. (A6) ab / from 2010 Jetta (A5) 06. 2006 ? 2011 Jetta (A6) ab / from 2011 Volkswagen CC [alle Varianten] ab / from 2012 Passat (B7) Limousine ab / from 2011 Passat (B7) Variant ab / from 2011 Passat (B7) Alltrack ab / from 2012 Passat (B6) 03.2005 ? 2011 Passat Var. (B6) 2006 ? 2011 Passat Lim. R36 (B6) 2007 ? 2011 Passat CC (B6) ab / from 2009 Polo (A05) Cross Polo ab 2010 Scirocco ab / from 2008 Sharan (NF) ab / from 2011 Tiguan 2007 ? 2011 Tiguan GP ab / from 2012 Touareg GP 2007 ? 2010 Touareg GP R 50 2008 ? 2010 Touran (A6) ab / from 2011 Touran (a5 GP) 10.2006 ? 2010 Caddy Kombi (A5) 06.2006 ? 2010 Caddy Life (A5) 06.2006 ? 2010 Caddy GP Kasten (A5) ab / from 2011 Caddy GP Maxi (A5) Kasten ab / from 2011 Caddy GP Kombi (A5) ab / from 2011 Caddy GP Maxi (A5) Kombi ab / from 2011
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