1x RUSTY Simson Schwalbe KR51 LOWRIDIER RAT Style! Unique & Custom! RUSTY!

Kaufpreis: Є 999,00 Angebot machen

Marke: Simson Hubraum: 50
Modell: KR 51 Tuning/Leistungssteigerung: Lackiert, Low Rider

1x RUSTY Simson gebraucht günstig kaufen

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based on 12 votes


!Back to the roots!LOWRIDER Simson Schwalbe RAT-Style
--- RUSTY ---
Custom and Unique
 Only the Rusty in this ad. For the others, please check my other ads.
As you can see on the photos, but...It"s operating!!!
(Engine, brakes, lights, etc. works well!)
Rust is no accidental --- it"s lacquered!
Shipping: Subject of discussion. I can take it personally to you.  Please ask me first!(E.g: to Germany is around 300 Eur)
/if I can sell the others as well and ship them in the same weekend, it could be divide/