Triumph Street Triple 675 ccm Top of the class hooligan machine (2007) “Visually (2007)

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“Visually... Could be better, dings and scratches... OK, a bit shitty actually.Technically - Totally f**king awesome!!!”
Hersteller: Triumph Anzahl Gänge: Sechsganggetriebe (manuell)
Modellbezeichnung: Street Triple Startertyp: Elektrostarter
Typ: Naked Bike (unverkleidet) Antriebsart: Kette
Farbe: Schwarz Anzahl der Vorbesitzer: 0
Erstzulassungsdatum: 14.11.2007 Individuelle An- & Umbauteile: Lenker/Stummellenker, Rücklichter/Blinker, Spiegel, Windschutz
Kilometerstand: 49500 Tuning/Leistungssteigerung: Spezialauspuff
Hubraum: 675 EU-Fahrzeug: Ja
Leistung: 78 Herstellungsland und -region: Großbritannien
Triumph Street Triple 675 ccm - Top of the class - hooligan machine (2007)

2007 Triumph gebraucht günstig kaufen

Current customer rating: (2)
based on 4 votes
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Yes I have had accidents on her, and the damage was fixed, at least the technical stuff.Paint is scratched and there are some dents and dings.She is, anyway the most insane scary fun bike ever built, I love her but sadly we must part
The 2007 model, the very first is still the best.
OK What has been done:LSL X01 Lenker - A little wider, and a lot better - you can have the originals for free.Custom brake line for front to suit longer handlebar (eingetragen!!!)Piper-X Air-Filter - A lot of Torque (Drehmoment!!!) and never buy another airfilterArrows End Pipes / Originals as free accessoryPazzo short levers (Eingetragen!)CLS Chain oiler!!! never spray that white crap on the chain a ever again!!Speed triple matt black fly screenPictures coming tomorrow
Oil and filter changed 500 km ago.