BIG DOG K9 PROJEKT RAHMEN 300er Softtale mit S&S 117 motor, getriebe, vergaser “Front

Kaufpreis: Є 6.900,00 Angebot machen

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Gebraucht : Artikel wurde bereits benutzt. Weitere Einzelheiten, z. B. genaue Beschreibung etwaiger Fehler oder Mängel im Angebot des Verkäufers.
“Front end of frame is bent and needs alignment!!”
Hubraum: 1916 Startertyp: Elektrostarter
Leistung: 88 Antriebsart: Riemen
Anzahl Gänge: Sechsganggetriebe (manuell)
BIG DOG K9 PROJEKT RAHMEN 300er Softtale mit S&S 117 motor,  getriebe,  vergaser

BIG DOG K9 gebraucht günstig kaufen

Current customer rating: (5)
based on 11 votes
current rating for this car


Here for sale we have a good project motorcycle for somebody who knows what to do with it.
Sale includes:
1.  2006 Big Dog K9 frame with good VIN and good American registration documents. This bike was bought for parts with front end damage. Front forks were bent and long neck of this bike now is also out of alignment (please examine photos) and needs to be straightened.
2. 117cui S&S 120 hp engine - very good condition.
3. 6 speed Right side drive Baker Transmission.
4. S&S SUPER G carburetor;
5. Starter;
6. Voltage regulator;
7. ECU module with IGNITION module and all main wiring is included;
8. Rear swing arm with hidden shock absorvers;
9. Rear fender with chrome fenders struts;
10. Rear wheel axle with axle covers;
11. Clutch cable with all clutch system;
12. Drive belt, chrome oil filter with housing and all pipes, horn, etc....
Please contact me any time with any questions you have.
Thank you.