NSU KONSUL II 500 1951 “NSU KONSUL II 500cm3, is registered on normal registration,

Kaufpreis: Є 1,00 Angebot machen

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“NSU KONSUL II 500cm3, is registered on normal registration, starts, works, brakes, dynamo charges, lights work, original Carburetor BING 2/27/1 is there but not installed, Hella horn as well, new steering with equipment is there but not installed, tel +48601556725, pick up in Poland (Opole - 2h from Gorlitz), I can transport it for additional 400 eur upon the prepayment - https://youtu.be/uxT4Y_ZlkqE”
Marke: NSU Hubraum: 500
Modellbezeichnung: KONSUL II EU-Fahrzeug: Ja

NSU KONSUL II gebraucht günstig kaufen

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based on 10 votes


NSU KONSUL II 500cm3, is registered on normal registration, starts, works, brakes, dynamo charges, lights work, original Carburetor BING 2/27/1 is there but not installed, Hella horn as well, new steering with equipment is there but not installed, tel +48601556725, pick up in Poland (Opole - 2h from Gorlitz), I can transport it for additional 400 eur upon the prepayment - https://youtu.be/uxT4Y_ZlkqE   FOTO
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